I know many of you come to my blog to find out the happenings of Sean, the Brenna A, life in the Bering Sea. I'll give you an update on all of that next week. Spoiler alert, all is well!
Today is kind of a sweaty palms kind of day for me. I'm entering into a new venture with my new friend Megan Waldrep. Megan is a writer. LIke a real writer! She has many topics near and dear to her heart. But, one of her focuses is Partners of Commercial Fishermen. She has featured my daughter-in-law Bri, and one of our crew member's wife, Cydney.
Megan is a fabulous writer, a kind soul, gracious, a connector of people, and a sharer of stories.
Through her work with Bri and Cydney, Megan and I connected. She asked if I would share my story of life in the fishing industry. I said sure! Of course, most of my story is out there, thanks to Deadliest Catch. But there is always more to the story. Having been involved in various sides of the fishing business since high school...there is much to tell. As many of you know, Pat and I started our business in 1986. We bought our first boat together, before we were married. So. Many of stories, observations, and crazy life experiences.
Megan presented me with a list of seven questions to answer about various aspects of being a partner to a commercial fisherman. Today Megan is publishing my resonse to her first question she asked me.
I think she might have been expecting a couple paragraph answer, but...I don't know how to write tlike that! I'm sure that drives my business partner, and kids, and our business managers crazy sometimes with my long answers to simple questions, that are puctuated with exclamation points! But, it's all I know how to do.
Soooooo, click here ➡️ "Tell us where you are from and how you met Pat"
That will take you to Megan's blog where you can find out what I wrote when presented with a simple question that almost turned into a book on it's own...I edited tons out, lol, so it didn't!
Question two is being edited. It was tough, but hopefully it will offer some insights.
Thanks for reading along. Be sure to clink on the blue link above and learn more a little bit more about our story.
As an introduction to Megan, here is her bio:
Megan Waldrep is a freelance writer and journalist who writes for national and regional California publications. Her blog highlights real stories of partners of commercial fishermen to helpothers feel less alone while navigating this unique and adventurous lifestyle! To learn more, visit www.meganwaldrep.com